Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

When it comes to email marketing, there are a lot of moving parts. On top of making sure your emails are CAN-SPAM compliant, you also have to optimize for mobile devices, nail timing and frequency, organize your segmentation and personalization strategy, and craft great email copy (just to name a few).

With so many email obstacles, you really need a professional on the job to make sure your emails are being delivered, opened, and clicked on. Or you need someone to figure out why they aren’t being delivered, opened, and clicked on.

WebIXI will develop and track your email campaigns to ultimately increase your organization’s email marketing success.

WebIXI will:
  • Grow your email list organically, not through bought or rented lists.
  • Manage various email campaigns, including the template designs, calls-to-action, and content used in your email sends.
  • Segment lists based on behaviors like past email engagement and website interactions (content downloads, site page visits, etc.).
  • Measure results and optimize the lead nurturing workflows for these segments to convert leads into customers.
  • Work to minimize list decay and unsubscribes while increasing the productivity of your email sends.
  • Develop documentation and road maps for processes, A/B tests, and promotions that succeed through email.