Ongoing Maintenance Services

Ongoing Maintenance Services

Ongoing Maintenance Services

A well-maintained website is critical to attract and retain customers, maintain search engine rankings and present new information, products and services to the public.  Your Maintenance should include:

  • Regular updates to your content
  • Regular updates to site platforms, modules and plugins
  • Regular security monitoring and maintenance

Website Content Updates

Your business is important to you, and you’d like it to be important to your clients too. A boring and hard to navigate website can scare clients away before they even know what you are about. You want to be sure that you put your best foot forward when seeking out new clients, and keeping your website up to date is one of the most important things you can do for this.

WordPress Maintenance

Just as operating systems like Microsoft’s Windows require updates to patch security holes, increase functionality, or fix bugs, WordPress and the plugins that extend its functionality must be updated from time to time for the same reasons.

If you have a website built on WordPress, we can take care of that for you!

Website Security

Did you know that over 9500 websites are hacked every day? Hackers and spammers either force entry into your secure web-server or sneak in through out-of-date software, bad permissions and poorly written code. Then, they insert infected code into the back end of your website. This can cause issues for your business, either through offensive images or viruses that infect the computers of customers that visit your website.

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