Website Content Updates

Website Content Updates

Website Content Updates

Your website is a living, breathing entity on the internet.  Every update you make to your website once it is “live” on the internet plays a part in its interaction with visitors, customers, and the powerful search engines.  However, a static website without updates of any kind may be viewed by search engines as a “dead” entity – with no life and nothing new to offer.

Thankfully, your frequently updated website offers search engines a haven for fresh content and sources of new information for their search requests.  Simply put, if you update your website often with high quality content, search engines will love you for it.

What are the other reasons it is important for your website to update frequently with fresh content?

WebIXI will:
  • Publish various types of articles on a wide range of topics for your website and blog.
  • Provide feedback to other contributors, and edit other writers’ content.
  • Optimize content for search engines and lead generation.
  • Contribute to long-form content projects such as ebooks.
  • Conduct analytical projects to improve blog strategies/tactics.
  • Grow blog subscribers, convert visitors into leads, and expand your blog’s overall reach.